Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do I smoke a turkey, but keep the Skin Crispy and not rubbery?

I always smoke turkeys great and the rubbery skin does not bother me, But I have friends who prefer it to be crispy. What can I do? Thanks|||Properly smoked, the turkey skin will become a sort of paper-thin leather bag that is practically inedible -with the turkey inside.

And that simply means spending sufficient time in the smoker, exposed to the 180 - 220 degree smoky heat wafting across the bird -for hours on end. What happens is that the skin simply dries out and with no moisture left, it gets thin and papery.|||well Ive never smoked a turkey before but I would say try to keep your rolloing paper|||Smoking does leave the outside skin rubbery, primarily cause you are cooking with indirect heat rather than directly. To smoke and make the skin crispy you%26#039;d need to artificially brown the turkey. This would add a step to what is already a long and laborious process, but I guess that before smoking the turkey you could butter baste the outside(or wrap it in butter basted cheesecloth) and run the thing though the oven for about hour at 25-50 degrees higher than regular roasting temp or until the outside is slightly brown and crisp. Then transition to the smoker

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