Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What can I make at home to keep my skin clear?

I am 14, and drink a lot of water (at least 8 glasses a day, usually I only drink water daily) but my skin is not looking very clear at the moment. I have kind of red cheeks, in a bad way not a flushed look : /

What can I make at home to soothe my skin and do I apply it or eat it?! Any tips for glowing skin would be great.|||Drinking water is always good but isn%26#039;t the end all, be all of good skin. Try and figure out why its red, did you switch to a new cleanser or cream, make up? If yes, then it may be to harsh for your skin and try stopping it for a few days and see if the redness goes away. Otherwise, you can try a moisturizing face mask, you can get them pretty cheap at any drug store. Or vitamin E oil applied before bed, try mixing it with a little jojoba oil for some extra moisturizing and a small amount of tea tree oil for any acne you might have. Just make sure your skin is super clean before hand.

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