Friday, January 8, 2010

What kind of lotion can I put on my skin when I am skiing to keep it from looking chapped and red?

I have a fair complexion and when Im skiing it looks very ruddy. I%26#039;d like to be able to enjoy apres skiing without dragging along make-up. Any suggestions?|||bag balm...鈥?/a>

Its a miracle with dry skin, and its cheap! Use a little throughout the day...

At night put a bunch on your hands and sleep with some gloves on(litlle medical latex gloves). Your hands will be sooo soft and healthy.

Read up on it a bit, its made for severe dry skin!

You can also use it as chap-stick, or for anything you would use vasaline for. I could go on and on...really:)

Also...don%26#039;t be freaked out that it is also used on animals, trust me on this! I use it everyday...

If you don%26#039;t need something quite that serious, Might I also recommend Udderly smooth...鈥?/a>|||Vasoline|||Any moisturizer will help, but when you are skiing, you also need sun protection so look for a lotion/moisturizer with a high SPF rating.|||apperently baby oil works good, and what do you neeed make up while skiing?


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