Monday, April 26, 2010

Does anyone have a suggestion for treating a stubborn skin irritation on the male genitalia?

This area was cultured and it came up gram positive enterrococcal bacteria. The area was weeping at first and has improved, but the area is still irritated, red and sensitive. My partner and I have been monogamous, and neither one of us has an STD. She has recently suffered from vaginosis and both of us have used Flagell for a week.|||they sell a cream for this, it is a anti-fungal and you can get it any pharmacy. Lotromin (spelling--??) My husband used it for his jock itch and it helped alot.

Also if that doesnt work, speak to a derm. most regualer doctors are quacks when it comes to rashes, since there are so many. My hubby was told he was chaffing and ended up the the jock itch for 6 months and got so bad, until he saw a derm and now it cleared up, a little scarred because his was weeping top but much better than the pain and burning. Good luck!|||Get some sun on it. UV rays will help.|||bacitracin will aid in the healing process and offer extra protection.

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