Monday, April 26, 2010

What causes the black greasy patches on a dogs skin under its coat.?

When the dog is bathed, even with good quality dog shampoo, some of it comes off but lots of patches remain and look unsightly when you part the coat. What can be used to remove all the black. (Please note I am not refering to the black pigment where the skin on here tummies changes colour with age sometimes and I dont mean flea dirt - it is neither of these things). Can anyone tell me what it could be and how to remove it - the dog is a yorkie and about 11yrs old. It doesnt irritate her and she is not ill, the other dogs that live with her do not have this problem. Between baths it just builds up again, is it just that she has developed a greasy skin with age that attracts dirt?|||Often hormonal changes, such as hypothyroid, will cause skin pigmentation and oiliness of the fur. It is usually accompanied by weight gain, lethargy, and thirst. Best to have her looked at, especially at her age, and a full blood panel run, complete with T4 (thyroid panel). It is easily treatable, but can cause a lot of problems if left untreated.

There are other possibilities, including diabetes, Cushing%26#039;s, and various other problems, but the clinical signs of these are more extreme, you would probably notice skin changes last (after weight gain, poor condition, vomiting, unquenchable thirst, excess urination, etc).|||skin cancer?? i dont know it sounds strange.. as with anything else, when not sure go to the vet and get it checked out....|||She could have over active secretion glands.. I would consult a vet on this one.. Even if it is just a phone call asking them what they think.

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