Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the best product to use on sensitive skin?

I have acne bad and i need some help. .My skin is oily.|||I 2nd an opinion from the MD however - have you ever heard of or tried Arbonne clear advantage it%26#039;s a regime but you can get the upper hand on acne it comes with a cleaner, toner and lotion and a daily supplement to help combat acne from the inside out - (a lot less harsh but better for you then poractiv) you also have 45 days to return it if its not for you or your skin!

Try using a very warm clean wash cloth (heat in micro)

and apply, repeat - and then use an acne wash. To areas full of puss apply peroxide - or if not to infected use witch hazel and lemon juice (with a clean spray bottle)

let air dry and apply acne cream -

Bi weekly do an acne exfoliant

and once a week (different day) an acne mask.

Be warned you may get worse before you start to get better.

STICK to a regime and you will have results.|||I also have acne,

Use a mild soap with warm water, not too cold or too hot.

When I first got spots I went to the doctor and he told me I had acne, he gave me some antibiotic tablets and some cream, and after a few months the spots disappeared.

So I would advise you to go and see a doctor, or they will get worse. Also DONT squeeze them !


Hope this helps :-)|||soap for sensitive skin found in a drug store|||i can give ur best products website i can allso used this products more information about products|||The best facial cleanser for sensitive skin that I have found is cetaphil liquid cleanser. It is so incredibly gentle. As for the acne blemishes, I believe that it%26#039;s generally recommended to either use salicytic acid (comes from aspirin) or benzoyl peroxide (though some find benzoyl peroxide to be too drying), however, please do consult with a dermatologist if you have severe acne. An antibiotic medication may be needed in conjunction with a cream or other medication. And as someone else mentioned, please do Not squeeze or pick at the blemishes as they can get infected and/or cause permanent scarring. Take good care and wishing you the best!

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