Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How do i keep my dog from having dry skin?

i was brushing her and noticed some dry skin and mabe some dandruff. i know that dry skin could lead to that, how do i stop it. I want to grow her hair longer, so what can i do to keep it healthy. i wash her once a week and condition also. She gets gromed mabe every 6-8 wks. If you know of any web sites please list. Thanks you.|||In a spray bottle (I got at walmart in beauty supplies) add 1/3 cup of baby oil, 1/3 cup of original listerine and 1/3 cup of warm water. Shake the bottle to mix and spray on pet. Works well especially on dogs with dandruff and real dry skin. Rub it in. The

pets fur will not be oily but sure makes him feel better. It is really good for dogs that get hot spots. Always shake mixture before spraying pet.|||UMMM i DONT THiNK A DOG CAN HAV3 R3AL DRY SKiN...BUT WHAT YOU CAN DO iS GO TO A V3T..TH3Y ALWAYSZ HAV3 THiNGSZ LiK3 M3DiCiNE AND NUTRiTIONAL STUFF YOU CAN GiV3 TH3 DOG WH3N YOU BATH3 iT|||You just answered your own damn question. %26quot;i wash her once a week%26quot; NEVER wash a dog that often, you are stripping her skin and fur of the natural oils etc that she needs to keep her fur and skin healthy. You need to be washing her MAYBE once a month, I would recommend washing every month and a half. Seriously, stop washing her so much, she%26#039;s a ******* dog not a human.|||First of all bathing her more than every 6 weeks is too much.Add a bit of canola oil in her food.Make sure you are feeding her a premuim dog food.Nothing from the grocery store please.|||one of your big problems is that you bath her to much. At the most only bath once a month. Even dog shampoo will dry the hair out.

Try using Downy fabirc softner as a conditioner take a empty gallon milk container and put 1 inch of Dopwny and rest water use as a regular conditioner( went to dog grooming school and tehy said better than anything you can buy_

You can try a vitamin oil base called Linatone this helps witht eh skin and coat.

Good luck|||Put 1 tspoonful of Evening Primrose Oil in her meal each day.

This prevents dryness and keeps the skin supple. Recommended by my Vet for one of my pups who had dandruff.

I wouldn%26#039;t wash her too often. This can destroy the natural oils

in a dog%26#039;s skin.

You can use Johnsons Cradle Cap Shampoo, the one they use for babies, if you do bathe her. This will help to clear up the dandruff.|||Is the dog on good quality food? The more expensive foods have good/beneficial oils that help your dogs skin and coat.|||Washing her once a week is way to often. Could be the reason for the dry skin|||I went to the vet and they game me really $$$ dog shampoo. I was way to much money. I started using head and shoulders on him and it works great.

I would first take the dog to the vet and find out if it is really dandruff.

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