Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How does drinking lots of water help keep your skin clear?

I%26#039;ve heard it numerous times, I wonder how it affects your skin? Can anyone explain?|||it flushes the bacteria out of your system.

of course just drinking water wont do it all. you need to wash your face and take care of it too.|||YES! It%26#039;s the best thing for your skin! Drink 2 litres of water a day and you will quickly notice an improvement in your skin.

Increasing your intake of water can improve your skin within 30 minutes! It%26#039;s also the BEST moisturiser your skin could ask for.|||it cleans out all da bacteria dat causes acne.|||Because it doesn%26#039;t have all the additives like cola, tea and other drinks.|||There is some controversy as to whether it helps reduce acne or not. Generally, it is not a major factor in reducing or preventing acne. Proper cleansing and use of proper skin care products are more significant factors.|||yes , it helps gets alll of the impurities out of your system.!!!!!

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